Az Egyesült Államok idén hatvanadik alkalommal választ elnököt: Joe Biden visszalépése után Kamala Harris képviseli a Demokrata Pártot, és száll harcba Donald Trumppal, a Republikánus Párt elnökjelöltjével.

A választás fejleményeit az MCC soron következő Election Night eseményén követjük élőben.

Időpont: 2024. November 5. kedd, 18 órától

Helyszín: MCC Scruton (Budapest, 1113, Tas vezér utca 3-7.)

Részletes program magyarul hamarosan...

On November 5th, the United States will elect its 47th president: after Joe Biden's withdrawal, Kamala Harris will represent the Democratic Party and take on Donald Trump, the Republican Party's presidential candidate vying for a return to the Oval office, in an election marked by a turbulent campaign filled with polarizing rhetoric, failed assassination attempts, and the unprecedent switching out of presidential candidates only months before the election. 

Follow the climatic conclusion of one of the most consequential US elections at MCC's upcoming Election Night event, co-organized with the Center for Fundamental Rights. 

Test your knowledge about US elections by partaking in our Election Night Quiz for the chance to win a special prize. 

Date: TuesdayNovember 5, 2024

Venue: MCC Budapest (Tas vezér street 3-7. Budapest, 1113)

Language: English




Opening Ceremony

18.15 – 19.15

Panel I: A House of Cards: The Road to 2024?
Election circumstances and political background of the US political climate.

19.15 – 19.20

Live Interview from Washington D.C.

19.20 – 19.30

Video Message

19.30 – 20.30

Panel II: Beyond Borders: The Future of American Diplomacy
Where is the USA heading on the international stage?


Deadline for Submitting Quiz


Quiz Winner Announcement

