Date of the event: Thursday, 29 February 2024, 17:00 - 18:30
Location: MCC Kaposvár Training Centre (7400 Kaposvár, Nagy Imre Square 2, 4th floor)
Speaker: Dr. Angela Vidal Gandra da Silva Martins, MCC Guest Lecturer, Barazilian State Secretary for Family Affairs
What is the family's role in a child's academic success? Can a student develop in a family environment that is not supportive? How families can support the education of their children, and where they can be involved? This fascinating discussion will address these questions and more, focusing on the benefits of a positive learning environment at home, the importance of parental engagement in school activities, and the influence of family dynamics. Our guest will also delve into the role of communication, encouragement, and setting high expectations within the family unit in promoting educational attainment.
The event is free to attend, but registration is required due to limited seating.
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